This site is dedicated to all those dads out there who love to cook. Whether it is Gourmet or not, if it's good, it will be on this site sooner or later. Dads (or even Moms) out there, please send me your favorite recipes and techniques that you use every day to wow your family and friends --- the best of which will be posted on the site. Please enjoy and come back often!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Big Boss "Bacon Wrapped Steak"

I made up this recipe from seeing a photo of bacon wrapped steak.

Gourmet Dad's Rating:Scale of 1-5, 1 = Bad, 5 = Excellent
Simplicity - 4
Taste - 6  (This is simply THE BEST thing I have ever tasted.)
Prep Time - 4
Kid Friendly - 5  (All of the kids ate every bite)

4-8 Steaks (Any cut works, I used London Broil.)
1 lb Bacon (Any kind works, I used thin cut hardwood smoked.)
Dad's Best Marinade

Yield:   4-8 "The Big Boss" Steaks
Preparation Time:  30 mins  (4-24 hours marinating time)
Cook Time:   15 mins

Items you will need:
Cutting Board
Sharp Carving Knife
Gas or Charcoal Grill (I used gas, cook time may vary with charcoal.)
Olive Oil and Paper Towel for your Grill

Selecting your steak is of utmost importance when making a good steak.  Pick a decent cut of Steak that you can cut into a relatively round shape for wrapping.  I chose London Broil but you could choose almost any other cut.  If you choose right it makes you job easier.  Choose a steak that is between 1" and 1.5" thick, if you go thicker than this you had better like "MOOIN" steak because it will be hard to cook it to Medium or Med-Well.

At the Store, I went with the one in the center front.

 Laid out for you to see the shape better

 Around 1" thick

1.  Unwrap your steaks and cut them into nice rounded shapes.  It makes it easier if they are small enough for one piece of bacon to wrap entirely around the outside edge.  (If your steaks and bacon were frozen make sure to thaw them overnight in the refrigerator.)

Trim if you need to get rid of skinny corners so they don't burn.

2.  Make "Dad's Best Marinade" and marinate your steaks in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours if you prepare early enough.

 3.  Remove your steaks and put them on your cutting board.  Break toothpicks in half, 1 toothpick per steak.  Begin wrapping your steak around the edge with a piece of bacon.  Wrap it until it overlaps itself and "pin" it in place by sticking the toothpick through the end of the bacon into the steak.  Also pin the opposite side so your bacon doesn't slide off the other side during cooking.  (leave some toothpick hanging out for easy removal after cooking.)

 "Pin" the Bacon straight into the steak.

4.  Finish all steaks.  Turn on the grill, all burner on "High" (Remove any warming racks if you can to increase cooking space).  Let grill heat for 15 mins or until 500+ degrees.  (this is important for searing in step 6.)

 Grill heated to 500+ degrees

5.  Wet down a paper towel with 1-2 tbsp Olive Oil.  Quickly (should take no longer than 30 seconds) open your grill and carefully wipe down the area you will cook on with olive oil to prevent sticking.  The oil should smoke immediately, this is good.  (I forgot to remove my warming rack so I had to be extra careful during this step.)

The oil was bright yellow but you can't see it in this photo.

Be very careful here it can get hot quick on your arm when you reach to the back.

 Cover enough area to cook all of your steaks at once.

6.  Place your steaks on the grill and close the lid for 30-45 seconds, then open and turn 90 degrees then close again for 30-45 seconds.  Repeat for the other side as well.

Right before I closed the Lid.

 A smaller steak after the turn to sear the other side.

 The largest steak after the first turn.

7.  After the final 90 degree turn, reduce your heat to Medium low.  Keep the lid closed and cook for 5 mins per side (There will be quite a bit of smoke from bacon grease fires but that is okay, it only adds flavor here.)  This cook time rendered the small cuts Well Done and the larger cuts Med-Well, just barely pink at all.  (Fight down any grease fires with a water bottle on fine spray before closing the grill each time so grease fires don't get out of control.  I even sprayed some of the fires down through a vent hole while the lid was shut.)  

Med-Low Heat on all burners

Spraying down grease fires.

A grease fire before I sprayed it down.

8.  One of the most important steps in cooking a steak is "Resting".  After they are finished cooking let them sit on your plate for 3-5 mins until juices start to run out of it.  During this time, remove the toothpicks.  Then it is time to eat!


Served (We had green beans with it, I know... beautiful garnish)

My wife LOVES A1 sauce but after tasting a plain bite, it was so good, that she dared not dip it in A1 fearing she would ruin the flavor.  WE LOVE THIS RECIPE!  It is ultimately my favorite thing to eat.  Next time I cook it, it will be just to taste the flavor explosion again.  I tried to get every bite to have some bacon in it, it was great!

ENJOY!!! And visit often!

If you try this, please let my readers know how you liked the recipes by clicking how you liked it below, and leave a comment!  Thanks!

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1 comment:

Megan said...

BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!! And I'm not even joking. That first bite was like heaven on a fork. It was FABULOUS! "Flavor explosion" is most definitely a great way to explain this one.

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